Sea monsters in Ostend: filming of the youth film “Zephonek” begins …

Sebastian Deweli, among others, will appear in the youth film “Zyfunk”, which is about a mythical sea monster that swims in the waters of Ostend. © ISOPIX

Is there a sea monster in the waters of Ostend? This is the central question in Zyfunk. Hilde de Berdemaker, Lynn van Roen and Sebastian Dewele, among others, star in the new Flemish Youth film, which will begin filming in less than three weeks. Director Domaine Hoegg is preparing for a difficult filming period. “A lot of the scenes are set on the water and there’s also a great deal of CGI involved.”

Desmytere Road

“Sexy,” Domaine Huegui describes the feeling he is currently experiencing. Recordings will start. on August 16 zifonkHis first feature film. He does not lack ambition. “I want to make the first movie about the Flemish monster, one that the whole family can enjoy.”

For the script, Huyghe called his sister Wendy, who in turn enlisted the help of Jean-Claude Van Rijckeghem. (Author of “A Collision in Moscou” and “Dad is a Sauce”, editor). The story revolves around Lina, a 12-year-old girl whose father, a fishing boat captain, was killed at sea along with two other fishermen. However, Lena believes that they have fallen prey to a sea monster. She raises the sails herself to discover the true facts.”

CGI Effects

“We’re going to have a tough enrollment period,” Huyghe says. “We keep working until the beginning of October, but this takes a lot of work. Many of the scenes are set on the water, and the weather on the Flemish coast can sometimes be unpredictable. In addition, there is also a great deal of CGI (computer generated imagesAnd red.) adaptation. But I can count on a very talented group of people, both behind and in front of the camera.”

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In front of the camera Sebastian Dewelly (Confidential, private education(Zuzu bin Sheikha)BevergemLynn Van RoenKindAnd mother of lice) It can be seen. Valentine Diners (unhappy things) He will appear in Flashbacks where the deceased father Hilda de Berdemeyker plays his wife who is left behind.

But the weight of the film rests on the shoulders of three young talents. You’re meeting with a 16-year-old Russian ambassador this fall merchantGruen Percival’s directorial debut. For Donia Al-Walid (14) and Sar Rogers (12) it will be a baptism of fire. The film is supposed to hit theaters in 2022.

Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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