These tips will help you sleep better.

Lying in bed sighing from the heat. That sticky comforter or maybe just the sheet. In short: not being able to sleep well because it’s too hot at night. We’ll all know it. What are some good sleep tips to help you get the hours you need?

Because… warm nights are coming again. subway Yesterday he wrote about the weather forecast for this week on Weeronline: It will be warm! The weather service said that “humidity will rise, which will lead to more and more areas feeling very hot”. This is obviously food for moderate or bad sleep of course.

Hersenstichting points out the importance of better sleep.

The Brain Foundation has listed some tips for our country’s moderate sleepers to sleep better on warm nights. The foundation, which has been committed to “healthy brains for all” for more than 35 years, has a core principle: “Sleep is not just about the quantity of your sleep (how many hours you sleep per night), but especially about the quality of your sleep (how effective your sleep is).”

Did you know that there are also people who suffer from heat stress? This serious problem can cause physical discomfort.

Back to the Brain Foundation, which says: “Good sleep means your brain has the time and opportunity to cleanse itself. A good night’s sleep also ensures that you are able to properly process your emotions during the day and that you remember what you learned during the day. However, sleeping better is easier said than done. Especially with warmer days ahead.”

5 Tips for Better Sleep

Below you can read five tips for sleeping well or at least better; tips that can also work if you’re not having a rough night.

1. When you feel hungry in the evening…

Stick to a light meal. Eating a heavy meal too close to bedtime is not a good idea. After that, your digestion has to work harder, which means your body stays more active, gets warmer and makes it harder to fall asleep. You can also choose a spicy dish: it will make you sweat and cool you down.

Need inspiration for light dishes? Our colleagues from Coolie to have 7 Delicious Snacks Included.

2. Avoid caffeine and alcohol.

Preferably completely, but at least three hours before bedtime. Caffeine and alcohol can make you fall asleep later and make you sleep shorter and more restless. Alcohol also ensures that you sleep less deeply. As a result, you still wake up tired in the morning.

3. Exercise enough and be active during the day.

Don’t exercise too intensely late in the evening (especially on warm evenings). This will cause your brain to be too active and you to be too alert to sleep. A late evening walk is always a good idea.

4. Keep it cool

Your body temperature is not stable 24 hours a day. In the evening, the temperature has to drop to make you feel sleepy. With warm weather, it is very difficult for your body to lose heat. The result is that you do not feel sleepy. Make sure your bedroom is cool. Fill a hot water bottle with ice water and place it on your bed. Or fill a towel with some ice cubes and place it on your body, for example on your wrists or on your neck. Place a fan strategically next to an open window. This way, instead of warm air, cold air from outside is blown into the room.

5. Take a lukewarm bath before bed.

Take a lukewarm shower before bed. A cold shower sounds appealing, but it actually makes your body work harder to get your temperature back up. A lukewarm shower is nice and refreshing and doesn’t put your body into warm-up mode.

Curious about how well you sleep and whether you get a good night’s sleep? The Brain Foundation has one. Sleep check Put it together so you can find out for yourself.

End your day with meditation while sleeping, how is it done?

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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