Hans Zimmer’s music for No Time to Die
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The National Academy of Sciences sounds the alarm

The National Academy of Sciences sounds the alarm

[Foto: Sophie James/Shutterstock] Alfred Monterey The US National Science Foundation (NSF) is sounding the alarm about the government’s lagging investment in science and technology. China has already overtaken the US in research publications, patents (including those related to artificial intelligence), knowledge- and technology-intensive manufacturing, and STEM doctorates. in message Intended…

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A Belgian co-production with acclaimed actor Crispin Glover has been selected for the Toronto Film Festival.
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Sony is rolling out a new PlayStation 5 system update that includes the option to share game invites via URLs.
The deep seas seem to produce their own oxygen.
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Then the left bloc reaches an agreement on a candidate for prime minister.
Researchers document how male elephants say ‘time to go’