Controversial migrant flights to Rwanda will go ahead, UK government says | RTL News
There is no evidence of the existence of “Nederland nv”.
There is no evidence of the existence of “Nederland nv”.
Worst year ever for UK economy, but hope on the horizon | RTL News
Labour leader Starmer wants growth of at least 2.5 per cent.
The European Court sets a final limit on the retention of communications data  floor
The British government is greatly shaken: former Prime Minister Cameron is the new Foreign Secretary |  RTL News
The United Kingdom once again warns against traveling to Morocco
Cancel the Scottish referendum

Cancel the Scottish referendum

international•23 Nov 22 4:29 pmauthors: ANP and BNR Web editorial team Currently, Scotland is not allowed to hold an independence referendum without permission from the government in London. This was determined by the British High Court after the Scottish Government brought the case. The British Prime Minister now does not…

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The British economy grew slightly despite the strikes