80% of women with this condition do not go to the doctor

One annoying side effect can occur during or after pregnancy that you may not have known about: loss of urine. Yet it is the most natural thing in the world.

Did you know that one in three women over the age of 35 suffer from urinary incontinence? So, there is a high possibility that you or one of your friends belongs to that group, and this is not something to be ashamed of. Influencer Sunny (@huisje.vol.liefde), she talks about it through her Instagram account.

“Menstrual underwear is becoming more and more normal (thankfully!) I personally experienced a loss of urine during my second pregnancy. I wish I had known about Tina underwear at the time. It makes you feel more confident at least during the periods when it was restrictive So grateful I am that this is no longer the case and yet I still remember what that feeling was like.

80% of women who suffer from urine leakage do not go to the doctor

Tina to the rescue

Fortunately, there are TENA washable underwear! These pants collect urine while you run, jump, lift and play with your kids. In short: in everyday moments. If you are experiencing loss of urine, it is wise to visit a doctor or physiotherapist for advice, as they can advise you on how to solve your problem. Meanwhile, Tina offers the perfect solution! Best of all, you can only buy them from Kruidvat and Trekpleister.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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