Serious game helps diabetics make the right choices

There are currently about 1.1 million people in the Netherlands with type 2 diabetes. A healthy lifestyle with adequate exercise and a healthy diet reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. But what is healthy? Not everything that looks healthy is also healthy. Through the educational game we created, we teach the player what to pay attention to and how to make healthy choices,” says Joke van der Linden. She is an internist at Maasstad Hospital and is involved in developing the serious game “Healthy Living.”

Dangerous game “Healthy life”

Serious game, healthy life, wide ahead Available It has been extensively tested by both GP patients and nurse practitioners and hospital staff. Thanks to the feedback from those tests, the game has been further improved and made more understandable.

“The feeding unit is now completed. Another unit about movement follows. We expect it to be ready this fall. Through this game, we hope to promote the health of our patients in and out of the hospital and to prevent or reverse type 2 diabetes.”

The game can be played on a smartphone or tablet via a companion app from the online gaming platform Bibendo. The app is free to download and use for both Android and iOS (Apple). Search these App Stores for “Maasstad Hospital – Healthy Lifestyle”. In addition, it is also possible to play the game through this link Directly online, on your computer, laptop or mobile device.

Through initiatives such as the online information game for diabetics, Maasstad Hospital informs patients and staff or directs them towards a healthy lifestyle. The main goal is to prevent care where possible.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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