Anger over Australia’s horrific vaccination campaign

“It’s supposed to be shocking,” the Australian government said. © rr

Source: The Guardian, NZ Herald

A video of the Australian government’s campaign has caused quite a stir. The campaign wants to warn people of the consequences of Covid-19 and encourage them to get vaccinated.

The video appears to be straight out of the movie. A woman lying on a bed being given supplemental oxygen. Fear is evident in her eyes, her breath catching and squeaking as she looks around anxiously. Then you turn to the camera and then the screen turns black. “Covid affects everyone, stay home, get tested and book a vaccination appointment.”

The video is currently only shown on channels in and around Sydney, where the spread of the Delta Variable is common. There, the campaign was met with very mixed feelings. Some Twitter users believe images like these “keep people alert” and remind them of the consequences of the virus. Another tweeter says this could convince skeptics about the vaccine. “It’s supposed to be shocking,” a government spokesman said. “The purpose of the video is to show that young people can become severely ill.”

Others find it too shocking, to the point that it seems unrealistic and can have the opposite effect. Bill Bowtell, associate professor at the University of New South Wales (UNSW Syndey), believes the video is inaccurate given that someone of the same age as the actress is currently in the hospital. Also on Twitter, Tom Solano, an Australian intensifier, stated that the video was unrealistic. “I can say as an expert in intensive care that no one will make their patients suffer this way and on purpose. We will do everything we can to avoid falling into such a situation.”

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Jessica Kaufman, a researcher at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, has, like other critics, criticized the campaign for targeting young people who are not yet eligible for the recommended Pfizer vaccine due to shortages. Currently, only people over the age of 40 can be vaccinated. If you are younger, you can choose a vaccine from AstraZeneca in consultation with your doctor at your own risk, although the Australian Government only recommends this vaccine for people over 60 years of age.

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Sophie Baker

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