After their capture in De Ban: Up to five years in prison for people smugglers who described victims as ‘chicken’

Eight members of a people-smuggling gang have been sentenced to up to five years in prison at the Court of Bruges. The men, mostly Czechs, called their victims “chicken” during phone conversations.

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On 11 July 2019, police stopped three cars with British number plates in De Ban. Two of these trucks were trucks in which agents discovered hidden places of smuggling of migrants. The hands of the five passengers, four Czechs and one Slovak, were handcuffed, and further investigation revealed that Czech Lukas Gee (33) had recruited the other four in his homeland as a driver for human smuggling. He says he worked with fellow countryman Doosan H. (48) and his 30-year-old son of the same name. They in turn received orders from the United Kingdom from the leader of the Afghan gang, Jean K. (41). At the time of his arrest in De Ban, Father H was in the Czech Republic on charges of human smuggling. He was interrogated by the Bruges court there and learned that smuggling operations took place on June 9 and July 13. During the investigation, investigators came to the conclusion that the gang called the victims “chicken” over the phone. She used the code name “Broad Bean” for the police, and no one from the gang showed up for trial. Chief Jan K. Five years in force and a fine of 40,000 euros. Father and son received e. 40 months in prison and a fine of 40,000 euros. Lukas G. was sentenced to 37 months in prison. The judge ordered the immediate arrest of all four. The four drivers were given a 30-month suspended prison sentence, and two other gang members were sentenced to 10 and two years in prison in the UK and France respectively for smuggling Afghan refugees. The Bruges court decided not to summon them. (AFr)

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Amber Webster

 "Freelance zombie fanatic. Devoted web advocate. Analyst. Writer. Coffee fanatic. Travelaholic. Proud food aficionado."

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