Blue Monday? Two out of three Belgians are interested in their work

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7 out of 10 employees mention that they are proud of the work they do and the work they do at least once a week. This can be explained, among other things, by the work that employees do in their work, their environment and their relationship with the company. This has kept us better than France, Germany and the United Kingdom. The Dutch are still proud, with 77.3% of employees proud of their work each week.

The same trend continues with the question of whether employees consider their work meaningful and useful. More than 1 in 5 Belgian employees report finding this on a daily basis. 7 out of 10 Belgians think this weekly or more.

Excessive mental load

While the results of this survey for job satisfaction are positive, there are also aspects that Belgian employers should be wary of. For example, Belgians receive lower-than-average scores for energy in the workplace. Fifty-five percent say they are energized at least once a week, and only 8 percent have this condition every day.

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This trend is also reflected in statistics on the level of stress in the workplace. Forty-one percent of Belgian white-collar workers mentally demand their work on a weekly basis. This is 8 percent on a daily basis. In that respect, we Belgians have very low scores compared to our neighbors. For 27 percent, weekly work is physically exhausting. 7 percent come home everyday with physical exhaustion. Here, too, Belgian employees, despite being part of, are higher than the average of five European countries in the survey. Only France amassed a run just below Belgium.

2 out of 3 people enjoy a job of their choice every week

However, it should be noted that 2 out of 3 Belgians (63%) do their job enthusiastically each week. Thus the Belgian staff took second place and had to make their way to neighboring the Netherlands. We are ahead of our neighbors like Germany, England and France.

Ferdinand Woolridge

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