“Only the radioactive desert will remain for the British.”

In Moscow, TV viewers show in animation how Russia’s nuclear weapons can wipe hostile countries off the map, according to reporter Tom Finnick. The tone is getting higher day by day.

Tom Finnick

“Why is the UK so provocative when the islands can sink? That is News of the weekI’m Dmitriy Kislyov. You are watching.” For example, the last broadcast of the most popular current affairs program in Russia began on Sunday. State television remains the main source of information for Russians.

To understand what they will hear, below is a short version of Kiselyov’s full presentation.

Kislyov: “Important confirmation: President Putin stated that the objectives of the special operation in Ukraine are consistent.”

Putin comes to the picture and says: “All the tasks of the special military operation will be fulfilled without a doubt. In this way we guarantee the safety of the people of the Luhansk People’s Republic, the Donetsk People’s Republic, the Russian Crimea and our entire country. Our soldiers and officers have avoided a real danger to our Motherland. With their courage, decisiveness and heroism. They prevented a massive conflict that would happen on our lands according to scenarios by outsiders.”

Kislyov: We continue with our heroic soldiers and their hard work to liberate Ukraine from the accumulated mud. A report from our military correspondents.

Azov Battalion

In the portraits of the refugees in Mariupol there is a voice that says: “Almost fifty people have been liberated from the Azovstal crypts today. They were taken by bus from the factory that became their prison. The guards were patriots from the Azov battalion.

Moments later, a reporter in army clothes passes destroyed houses and says: “Dozens of houses were destroyed, two civilians were killed and ten wounded. Ukrainian soldiers continue to kill their civilians.”

A woman in Saint Petersburg watches Vladimir Putin’s speech.Getty Images

In the studio, Kislev announced that British Prime Minister Johnson had threatened a nuclear attack on Russia. “It seems that they have gone crazy in the British Isles. Why does infinite Russia threaten its existence on such a small island? The island is so small that a Sarmat missile is enough to sink it once and for all. Everything has already been calculated. ” In the animated movie, a Russian nuclear missile wipes the UK off the map.

thermonuclear torpedo

Another option is to bring Britain to the sea floor with a Russian underwater drone Poseidon. The explosion of a thermonuclear torpedo off the British coast will cause a tsunami with a height of 500 meters. Such a body of water would bring intense doses of radiation. When the wave swept the British Isles, only a radioactive desert would remain.” On the map, the United Kingdom disappears under the tidal wave.

Watch the Russian simulation:

“And now we turn to the United States, where President Biden is forcing Ukraine to fight.” An article on US arms support is followed by articles on a “liberated place” and a “Polish plan” for the conquest of western Ukraine.

general commander

Kiselyov concludes with a report on the “return of peaceful life” in the areas “recovered from Ukrainian nationalists”. A reporter stands in front of the Iskander missile system and asks a soldier: “How do you feel when you press the button?” Soldier: This is our enemy’s moment of truth. He must understand that we are fulfilling the duties of our commander-in-chief.”

Moments later, a missile fired into the clouds. “In this weather, we cannot see the trajectory of the missile, but the missile will reach the target,” the reporter said. The target to be hit.

Kislyov: “That’s all for today. We will see each other next Sunday. Now the program continues Moscow, the Kremlin, Putin

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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