A year ago, Frenchman Yan, 25, disappeared during a solo trip in Egypt, and his family is still searching for answers | Abroad

A year ago, 25-year-old French student Yann Bourdon disappeared while traveling in Egypt. The adventurous young man set out alone around the world in the summer of 2020. A year later, in the summer of 2021, the Yan family heard about him for the last time. Since then, all traces of the 1920s have been lost. Now, about two years after Yan left home, his family is calling for witnesses to come forward.

Yan, 25, will be leaving in the summer of 2020 on a long journey. After visiting Lithuania, Macedonia, Croatia, Kurdistan and Turkey, he will arrive in Sharm El-Sheikh in Egypt at the end of July. On July 27, 2021, the student will arrive in Cairo, the capital of the North African country. Yan spends the night at a nearby youth hostel after being dropped by a police officer there. On August 4, he emailed his sister for the last time telling about his adventures in the past few days. Since then, the twenty-somethings seem to have disappeared from the world.

The family does not immediately panic. When Yan’s mother does not receive a letter from her son for her birthday in mid-September, the family begins to worry. “Yan never forgets birthdays,” Sister Wendy (26 years old) told the French news channel “TF1”. When she hears nothing from her brother on her birthday in November, all alarm bells go off. At the time, we reported the disappearance to the State Department’s Crisis Unit. They asked us to report the disappearance to the police station, which we did.”

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Bank account

An investigation will be opened in November 2021. This indicates that Yan’s bank account was emptied on August 7 in Cairo. For the rest, investigators are making little progress. “That’s all we know now,” Sister Yan says. “We are in regular contact with the French authorities, but they are waiting for information from Egypt, which is not imminent,” he added. Yan’s belongings have not been found yet. The family does not know in which youth hostel he stayed.

“That is why we are turning to you today to launch a call for witnesses, to raise awareness in the hope of finding our loved ones again,” the family wrote in a statement. Facebook page It is dedicated to Lian. “Initially we didn’t want to bring the case to the media and we were reluctant to launch a call for witnesses in order to hamper the work of the investigators and the court as little as possible,” explains Wendy. However, as the investigation yielded little or nothing, the family members decided to take matters into their own hands.

The French foreign ministry told TF1 it was “well informed” of the case and was in close contact with the Yan family and Egyptian authorities.

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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