Talks on Iran nuclear document end in Vienna: “You have to say yes or no now”


Negotiations to salvage Iran’s nuclear deal with six nations have ended in Vienna. The text is ready. The European Union’s (EU) foreign policy chief, Joseph Borrell, will now present him in the capitals of the countries concerned, a senior EU representative said in Vienna on Monday. “You must now say yes or no,” said the diplomat. There is no more negotiation. In his view, it was “a very good compromise for all concerned”. After nearly two years of negotiations, he expects an answer “within a few weeks, very, very few weeks.”

gjsSource: Belga

In a diplomatic feat, representatives of the United States, Iran and other countries spent days in Vienna trying to reach an agreement to lift U.S. sanctions and scale back Tehran’s nuclear program. These were the original goals of the 2015 deal designed to prevent Tehran from developing nuclear weapons. The US unilaterally withdrew from the agreement in 2018 under then-President Donald Trump.

Current partners of the agreement are Iran, Russia, China, France; United Kingdom and Germany. The United States indirectly participated in the Vienna Conference.

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Ferdinand Woolridge

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