Nicaragua cuts diplomatic ties with the Netherlands: “You continue to insult our families” | Abroad

Nicaragua cut diplomatic relations with the Netherlands with immediate effect. This can be read in a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which was published, among others, on the Viva Nicaragua TV channel.

In the statement, it accused the “Kingdom of the Netherlands” of “repeated interference, interference and neo-colonialism”. The reason for this step is the visit of the Dutch ambassador to the region, Christine Perrin, who works from Costa Rica. President Daniel Ortega said she reportedly “speaks to Nicaragua as if it were a Dutch colony”. He also referred to the Netherlands’ decision in 2018 to stop investing in the construction of a hospital in the city of Belwe.

According to Ortega, the Netherlands “has abused and continues to humiliate Nicaraguan families, by threatening and stopping their businesses for the greater good, such as the hospitals of indigenous and Afro-descendants.” As stated in the Nicaraguan government statement: “The continued attack by the representation of this neo-colonial and pro-imperialist government (Dutch, editor) compels us to take this action, which we will defend with honor and dignity.”


On Saturday morning, the Dutch Foreign Ministry was unable to respond to the Central American country’s move. Our country no longer has an embassy in Nicaragua, only a consulate in Managua.

Nicaragua also does not like the United States very much. For example, the new US ambassador Hugo Rodriguez was not allowed to enter the country, as it turned out on Friday. The government in Managua denied him entry due to previous statements about Nicaragua. For example, Rodriguez describes Nicaragua as a “pariah state” in the region and describes Ortega as a dictator.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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