“Urgent message. There has been an attack”: Russians are shown a false warning of a nuclear missile attack on TV | outside

An urgent message. “The attack took place,” Russian state media said on Thursday. She was shown a map of Russia while she was watching TV marked in red. “Immediately go to a shelter and shut down everything. Use all kinds of gas masks.

According to the British newspaper “The Telegraph”, after the news, a black and yellow radiation warning symbol was displayed.

The Kremlin said: “A false alarm about an air strike was sent in Moscow after hacking into the servers of radio stations and TV channels.” It has not yet claimed responsibility for the cyber attack. According to The Independent, the attack was perpetrated by Ukrainian or Russian activists.

It is already the third time that Russian state media has fallen victim to such a cyber attack. Just last month, a false message circulated in Crimea warning of a missile attack. Just a week later, a similar broadcast was made during President Vladimir Putin’s State of the Union address.

Russia points to Ukraine, but has not taken responsibility for the alleged cyberattacks.

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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