According to Moscow, the fact that a journalist who was arrested in Russia wants to be released quickly is “irrelevant”. outside

The United States considers the release of American journalist Ivan Gershkovich, who was arrested in Russia, a major priority, but that is “irrelevant” for Russia. The Russian news agency TASS quoted the Russian deputy foreign minister as saying that nothing would change in the case.

The United States has officially designated Wall Street Journal journalist Ivan Gershkovitch, 31, as a “wrongful” detained person, meaning his release is a priority for the government. Deputy Minister Sergei Ryabkov said that Russia “will not tolerate any attempt to put us under pressure”.

look. At the end of last month, Wall Street Journal journalist Ivan Gershkovitch was arrested in Russia on suspicion of espionage.

No access to consular assistance

The journalist has not had US consular assistance since his arrest two weeks ago. Ryabkov told TASS news agency that Russia was considering granting him such access. The US citizen has also had little contact with his legal team so far.

US President Joe Biden has repeatedly condemned Gershkovitch’s “completely illegal” arrest and called for his release. Biden spoke with the journalist’s family on the phone yesterday. In it, the president said that “the American government is doing everything it can to get him home as quickly as possible,” the family said after the conversation.

Ivan Gershkovich at a Moscow court in late March. © Reuters

“to spy”

Gershkovich Russia is being tried on charges of espionage. The Russian Security Service is suspected of collecting alleged state secrets about Russia’s military-industrial complex. But according to the US, he was simply doing journalistic work in the country. Gershkovich himself “categorically” denied the allegations of espionage. He previously explained in a court in Russia that he worked as a journalist.

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Gershkovich is the first American journalist to be arrested in Russia for espionage since the fall of the Soviet Union. The American risks up to 20 years in prison. For now, he will remain in custody until at least May 29. A Moscow court will hear his objection next week.

The American journalist is currently being held in this detention centre.
The American journalist is currently being held in this detention centre. © Reuters

Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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