‘Putin’s drone project could cost 5.5 billion euros’ • ‘EU and Japan oppose total ban on exports to Russia’

The European Union and Japan oppose a proposal from the United States to the G7 countries to ban all exports to Russia. Financial Times Based on conversations with anonymous sources.

International media previously reported that a full export ban to Russia was on the table at the G7 summit in Hiroshima in May. According to Financial Times So the government in Washington is the driver of this plan, which is to replace the current sectoral sanctions against Russia with a complete export embargo.

However, according to the newspaper, the European Union and Japan see no point in this solution. According to the anonymous diplomats, implementing a complete export ban would be impossible. The G7 countries include Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. The EU also participates in the G7, but it is not a sovereign state and is therefore not considered a member.

The White House argues Financial Times For a complete export ban, because the current bans have so many loopholes that Western technology could easily end up in Russia. According to the newspaper, the proposed total ban has some exceptions and includes exemptions for agricultural products and medical products.

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