The Netherlands and the United Kingdom expand their energy cooperation with a new electricity connection | news item

news element | 04/24/2023 | 07:00

during the North Sea Summit In Ostend, Minister Rob Gettin and his British colleague announced Grant Shapps Announced the arrival of a new electricity connection between the Netherlands and the United Kingdom this afternoon. Unique to this new connection is that a Dutch wind farm will also be connected directly to it.

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picture: ©Link Lyon

Impression of the “LionLink” concept

this bonding, “Lion Link” baptized, it will be about 250 km long and aims to reduce carbon dioxide2Emissions and interconnection with other countries and security of supply. Connecting offshore wind farms via the first cross-border direct current cable of this size is a new step towards an integrated offshore network in the North Sea.

Minister Rob Gettin: The North Sea will become the largest supplier of green electricity for the Netherlands and large parts of Europe. Close offshore wind cooperation and connectivity between North Sea countries is essential in this regard. Link Lyon It could supply nearly 2 gigawatts of electricity to both countries, enough to power 2 million homes. This new connection also ensures greater energy security and energy independence in Europe. For example, if there is a surplus of wind energy, it can be immediately shared with countries that have a shortage of energy, and vice versa.”

Link Lyon It is a multifunctional interconnect designed to connect a 2 GW Dutch offshore wind farm with both countries under the sea. Through this connection, the infrastructure can be used more efficiently. At the same time, the impact on coastal municipalities is reduced due to the need for fewer separate connections and a more limited infrastructure.

Manon van Beek, CEO of TenneT: “We are convinced that this is necessary marine axes It is configured in an interlocking DC network that forms the backbone of the Power North Sea. This idea is gaining more and more support and for us it is more than just a vision of the future. In fact, we have already started it with the launch of this flagship Link Lyonproject. It’s a first step and a great opportunity to gain experience as you go along NavyThe network is forming.

The European Union and the United Kingdom have a joint target of around 120 GW of offshore wind capacity in 2030 in the North Sea. Therefore, offshore wind farms make an important contribution to energy security and climate goals. By 2030, the Netherlands will have realized approximately 21 GW of offshore wind capacity and is investigating whether 50 GW in 2040 and 72 GW in 2050 is possible given physical space, environmental impact and electricity demand. The UK aims to produce up to 50 gigawatts of offshore wind capacity by 2030.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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