Flemish employers: ‘Speed ​​up the vaccination campaign, otherwise our economy will miss the boat’

The Flemish employers’ organization Voka is pushing for a faster dissemination of vaccination strategy in our country. “Other countries are building competitive leadership.”

While Israel, a country with a similar population, vaccinates 150,000 people daily, Belgium is currently stuck with a few hundred. According to the employers’ umbrella, a slow pace not only harms public health, but also the economy.

We found that vaccination in other countries such as Germany, Denmark, Israel and the United Kingdom is much faster and that these countries are building a competitive advantage. Those who receive the fastest and better vaccinations will benefit the most from resuscitation. President Wouter De Geest said Monday evening in response to Voka’s Digital New Year reception: “ This is why our country needs to be vaccinated much faster.

It is clear that the healthcare sector and groups at risk are given priority in this. But in a fast and efficient approach, companies and their employees are also high on the list of priorities, in order to ensure continuity in our business.

We must not miss the boat. We realize that mass vaccination is a delicate and complicated process, but we have to be able to do it faster and better.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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