Prince William is ‘absolutely determined’ to tackle homelessness in memory of late mother | Royalty

RoyaltyPrince William (41) wants to tackle homelessness in England. She wants to follow in her late mother Princess Diana’s footsteps. That is why he is launching a number of new schemes next week and is committed to building social housing in the Duchy of Cornwall.

He is said to be “absolutely committed” to tackling homelessness and has a “steely determination” to solve the problem. His mother thought something important. On July 1, Diana’s birthday, she is launching various projects in the country, Daily Express reported.

William recently revealed plans to build 130,000 acres of social housing on his private estate in Cornwall. She told the Sunday Times: “It’s nerve-wracking, but I’m really excited. The source tells the Daily Express that the prince wants to meet what he needs. “It’s very important to him.”

A lot of young people

At age 11, his mother Diana took him to a shelter for the first time, of which he is now a patron. He told Comic Relief earlier this year that he’s glad his mother introduced him to homelessness at such a young age. “I think she’ll be disappointed that we’re no more involved in tackling homelessness than when she was involved.” Prince is particularly concerned about homelessness among young people, to which part of his new plans will be devoted.

According to the UK Centrepoint on Youth Homelessness, the number of 16-24 year olds who are homeless or at risk of homelessness will be 122,000 by 2022. This is an increase of 12,000 in five years. “To me, 122,000 is a very high number,” William said.

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