Brazilian justice grants investigators access to Bolsonaro’s bank data in self-enrichment investigation | outside

In Brazil, investigators are allowed to examine former President Jair Bolsonaro’s tax and banking data. Local media reported on Friday that a Brazilian Supreme Court judge had given them permission to do so. Bolsonaro is suspected of illegally enriching himself by selling gifts he received from other countries.

Investigators are also allowed to see the data of the former far-right president’s wife. The judge also requested international assistance to access the couple’s bank details in the United States. There, the staff were selling valuables or at least trying to get rid of them. Neither the Supreme Court nor the Federal Police confirmed this information.

Sculptures, a clock, a fountain pen, …

These government gifts include two sculptures donated by the government of Bahrain during a visit by Bolsonaro in 2021. A watch and a fountain pen from the luxury brand Chopard are also on the gift list.

Former President Jair Bolsonaro. © AFP

Last week, elements of the investigation leaked. “The elements of evidence collected showed the existence of a network of embezzlement of high-value goods gifted to him (Bolsonaro),” read the ruling that served as the basis for Friday’s searches of former Bolsonaro employees.


Investigators also mentioned a suitcase that was carried on December 30 on Air Force One when Bolsonaro departed for the United States. It was two days before the inauguration of Lula da Silva, the left-wing candidate who ran against Bolsonaro in the presidential election. Bolsonaro has denied doing anything illegal to the federal police.

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A Brazilian court finds ex-president Bolsonaro guilty of abuse of power and bans him from participating in elections until 2031.

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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