US court accuses SpaceX of discriminating against asylum seekers | outside

According to the indictment, the discrimination occurred at least between September 2018 and May 2022. In its job advertisements, SpaceX indicated that under federal rules, the space company can only hire US citizens and permanent residents. However, the Ministry of Justice maintains that the legislation does not impose such restrictions and that asylum seekers and recognized refugees enjoy the same labor rights as nationals.

“Our investigation found that SpaceX did not fairly consider or hire asylum seekers and refugees because of their residency status, and imposed a recruitment ban against them, regardless of their qualifications, in violation of federal law,” said Attorney General Christine Clark. She said SpaceX recruiters and managers “strongly discourage” asylum seekers and refugees from applying.

And the US judiciary is now demanding that the court grant asylum seekers and refugees who were deterred or refused financial compensation. Plus she asks for a fine. The ministry also requires potential victims to report.

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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