Daily Cost’s favorite spaghetti bolognese dish: How the Flemish version of classic Italian cuisine has conquered our region

Apparently, nothing but benefits. But is pasta really healthy if you eat it often, with or without a rich sauce? “Pasta can definitely be included in a healthy diet,” says lead nutritionist Michael Sills (UZA). “With a hot meal, we try to look at proportions: half your plate should be vegetables. With pasta, that’s difficult and often not easy.”

“The Mediterranean diet has been proven to be good for our health, but it’s more than just spaghetti bolognese and pizza. It’s also about grilled fish, lots of vegetables,… Also try incorporating these things into a pasta dish. For example, mix it with Cauliflower in cheese sauce, that way you get more vegetables.”

In addition to regular white pasta, you’ll now also find a lot of whole wheat pasta on the shelves. Is there really that much difference in nutritional value? “Absolutely,” Sells confirms. “If you eat whole wheat, you will get extra fiber. Then you will feel full longer and faster and it will be easier for you to control portions. Many people quickly feel hungry again after eating a plate of white pasta. Just think of the athletes,” Who eat pasta to get energy quickly. This is because it is digested quickly. If you choose the whole wheat variety, you will find that you will feel full more quickly. big difference.”

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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