Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 offers image accessibility options

There’s no doubt that Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 will be a great game. Sony wants to make sure that as many players as possible can play the game. After all, the title has plenty of accessibility options to optimally customize the experience according to your desires.

For example, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 will have extensive “challenge level modifiers.” With it you can improve the overall gameplay and combat gameplay. This way you can adjust enemies’ life points, the damage they deal, the difficulty of stealth, and the timing of blocking and dodging attacks. You can also simplify puzzles and enable chase assist. With the latter you can make QTEs during a car chase easier.

There’s also a “Game Speed” option, which slows down action-packed scenes to give players the opportunity to react in a timely manner. Although of course you can also use this mode to take great screenshots.

Another option that Insomniac Games is very interested in is the audio reverb controls. This allows players to stop unpleasant sounds via high-frequency cutting (for high tones) and low-frequency cutting (for low tones of an explosion, for example). There’s also a Notch Frequency Filter, where Pete’s single words remain clearly audible despite the chaos of background sound effects.

What’s great is that that’s not all, because Insomniac promises more accessibility options after launch. The studio is still planning audio descriptions, screen reading, and captions. A patch with the new options will be released in December.

Be sure to check it out PlayStation Blog for more details.

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Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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