Movie: Hallelujah – Now In Your Home. Picl, movies online

When the geriatric unit at a small hospital in Yorkshire is threatened with closure, the hospital fights back. This new cinema from England is a warm and comedic drama about growing old, but not giving up. With a host of distinguished stars, including Judi Dench (Skyfall, Belfast) and David Bradley (Harry Potter).

“A film with its heart in the right place.”

★★★ Sincere

Sister Gilpin and Dr. Valentine care for the patients at De Beth Small Regional Hospital with heart and soul. Closure is imminent because everything has to be more efficient. But staff, residents and volunteers don’t let that happen. A local news crew comes to film Sister Gilpin’s party in preparation, so people can see what’s at stake. The choir is rehearsing, the speech is being prepared, and everyone is hoping it will be a big party. Nothing could go wrong there, right?

Director Richard Eyre (Children’s Law, Notes on a Scandal) celebrates with Hallelujah The willpower of patients honors the deep commitment of healthcare staff. The film is based on the hit play by Alan Bennett (The Lady in the Truck, History Boys).

“The film flows pleasantly as a slightly humorous comedy.” ★★★ Norwegian Refugee Council

“Thanks to the necessary satirical humor and realistic view of aging, she never becomes so frail.” ★★★ From Volkskrant

“Heart-warming scenes and first-class acting.” ★★★ M

“Sympathetic” – hit parol

“Jennifer Saunders plays the role of Head Nurse Gilpin perfectly.” ★★★ FilmTotal

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Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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