Mont Blanc has shrunk by more than two meters in two years Science and the planet

The height of Mont Blanc, the highest mountain in Western Europe, reached 4,805.59 meters in September this year. This is 2.22 meters lower than the previous measurement in 2021. This was announced by surveying experts from the French department of Haute-Savoie on Thursday.

The difference may be due to fluctuations in summer rainfall and has been observed before, Jean de Garrett, president of the Chamber of Surveyors of the Haute-Savoie department, said at a press conference in Chamonix.

Don’t use analogy to say anything

Jean de Jarets

“It is very likely that Mont Blanc will be much higher in two years (in the next measurement, ed.),” he stressed. He added: “We are collecting data for future generations, and we are not here to interpret it. We leave that to scientists.” He urged people not to “use analogy to find out anything.”

Equipped with ultra-modern tools and, for the first time, a drone, about twenty people, divided into eight groups, climbed the Western European summit in mid-September to take measurements on top of the white giant for several days.

This is the twelfth edition of this operation, which mainly aims to map the ice cover and collect scientific data on the impact of climate change on the Alps. The initiative began in 2001.

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“We have already learned a lot after these measurement campaigns: we know that the summit is constantly moving, both in height, with fluctuations of about five metres, and in position,” de Garrett says.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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