Despite his acquittal of sexual assault: English cinema refuses to show the film The Return of Kevin Spacey celebrities

Although the two-time Oscar winner only uses his voice in the film and will not appear physically, Prince Charles Cinema wants nothing to do with his return to the screen. “We learned last night that Kevin Spacey appears in your film, specifically his first film since the trial. We were shocked to be mentioned in the same breath as his new film before its premiere,” the cinema owner wrote in an email obtained by the Daily Mail.

At the time, production house Metcalfe had carefully considered the decision to cast Kevin again in their new film, which premieres in the UK on December 15. “He was exonerated at the time and we wanted to base that on the facts rather than getting into cancel culture.” She added that it was “a risk we were all willing to take.”

Spacey voiced the role in late 2022 in London, where he was awaiting the lawsuit against him. The case against the actor, known for his leading role in Netflix’s hit series “House of Cards,” began at the end of June. He appeared in court for four weeks after four men accused him of sexual assault in 2017. The incidents are said to have occurred between 2001 and 2013. The accusations forced Spacey to leave the series “House of Cards.” Spacey was acquitted at the end of July.

look. Kevin Spacey has been acquitted of all sexual assault charges

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Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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