UZ University in Brussels focuses on algorithmic care for children with diabetes

UZ Brussels’ children’s hospital, Kidz Health Castle, uses algorithms to provide personalized follow-up for children with type 1 diabetes. It is the first hospital in our country to take this step. Constant monitoring of glucose values ​​can be provided via the Cloudcare application.

Through weekly data reports, doctors can better monitor the health development of young diabetics. Doctors can therefore decide remotely whether patients should attend fewer or more consultations. This way the treatment is more personal and individual.

The Cloudcare app, developed by Diabeter and owned by Medtronic, continuously collects data based on an algorithm. The application works on this data from diabetic patients and analyzes it. For example, doctors can monitor glucose levels remotely or monitor long-term trends.

“This type of remote monitoring allows for better monitoring of patients. The data received provides insight into the status of glucose levels and glucose levels in the long term,” says Prof. Dr. Inge Gies, endocrinologist and Head of the Department of the Children’s Hospital of UZ University in Brussels. Management.” In this way, care can be better tailored to patients’ needs.”

However, currently, the technology is not reimbursed by the health insurance company. There is also a big “but”: parents must give their consent that the data can be used for analysis.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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