Movie: Dave’s Bank – Now in your home. Picl, movies online

Good-natured car salesman Dave Fishwick wants to start a bank to help his community. But that is easier said than done. With a London lawyer in his arms, he goes into battle. bank dev He’s a feel-good Brit with a cameo role for Rory Kinnear, known from the recent James Bond films men, Imitation game And the series Diplomat.

“He has an amazing amount of charm.”

★★★ From Volkskrant

bank dev The film is loosely based on the true story of Dave Fishwick, a self-made millionaire from the British village of Burnley. Dave, who grew up from the working class, decides to start a bank to give local businesses a chance. In an attempt to help his beloved community, he enlists the help of a young London lawyer, Hugh. London’s elite financial institutions have not granted a new banking license for over 100 years and are determined to thwart Dave.

“An Entertaining Socialist Handbook for Humanity with Excellent Acting” ★★★ VPRO Cinema

“A heart-warming and very humorous film” ★★★ Cinema magazine

“A movie that can’t be bad” ★★★ FilmTotal

“Rory Kinnear convincingly portrays Dave as a good guy” – filmkrant

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Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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