Theresa May is the new Prime Minister of Britain, and Boris Johnson is the Foreign Secretary

AP photo

May said that under her leadership, the United Kingdom would play a “bold and positive new role in the world.” The country is facing great change, but it faces this challenge with confidence. The ‘ordinary Briton’ will be pivotal, says the new Prime Minister. He added: “My government will be driven by the desires of the people, not the elite.”

Following May’s appointment, it was announced that Boris Johnson, a Brexit supporter, would become the new Foreign Secretary. Cameron’s cabinet included Philip Hammond, who became Chancellor of the Exchequer in May. The current Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, is scheduled to leave the country. MP Amber Rudd will become the new Home Secretary. Michael Fallon remains Defense Secretary.

Due to Brexit, some new positions have also been created in May’s government. MP David Davis, who once ran for the Conservative leadership but lost to Cameron, should, as “Brexit Secretary of State”, manage the exit process from the EU. Former Defense Secretary Liam Fox, who also competed for the Prime Minister, will become Secretary of State for International Trade.

Immediately after her appointment, May received congratulations from the US government. The White House said it has full confidence that the new British Prime Minister is able to conduct Brexit negotiations properly. Russian President Putin also congratulated May.

French President Hollande urged May to speed up Brexit negotiations. May assured Hollande and other European leaders that relations between the United Kingdom and European countries remained good, but added that it needed time to achieve Brexit.

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Last question hour

Shortly before the Changing of the Guard, David Cameron gave his final speech as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Speaking about his six-year term, he noted the improvement of the economy, health care and the maintenance of aid to third world countries.

David Cameron urged his successor Theresa May during the final question session in the British Parliament to “stay as close to the European Union as possible”. According to him, this is best for trade economy, mutual cooperation and security.

After Question Time, the outgoing UK Prime Minister received a standing ovation from Parliament. There was applause for the outgoing leader for several minutes.

Theresa May can already count on Parliament’s support during Question Time. She was welcomed with loud cheers when she entered the British Parliament building.

Cameron and his family in his final speech Image epa

Cameron and his family in his final speechEPA’s photo

Cameron’s Cabinet

May has never been part of the “Cameroonians”, for whom image is as important as content. May is not the type to hug a husky in the Arctic to draw attention to climate change. She is a content-focused Tiger woman who does not shy away from hard work. That’s why Cameron put her in the toughest ministry: Home Affairs. There she turned out to be the best minister.

Its politics are a mixture of liberal and strict. One of her first acts was to prevent the extradition of Gary McKinnon, with Asperger’s syndrome, who hacked Pentagon computers, to the United States, as her Labor predecessor had wanted. The London police were ordered to stop randomly searching black youth, and prevented Boris Johnson from equipping the capital’s police with water cannons. Meanwhile, May succeeded in breaking the power of the police union and unceremoniously sacked the head of customs for mismanagement.

Larry, also known as Chief Mouser, parades outside 10 Downing Street.  The cat still lives there.  During a recent Q&A, Cameron alluded to rumors that he doesn't like Larry.  He jokingly showed a photo of himself and Larry.  Image image

Larry, also known as Chief Mouser, parades outside 10 Downing Street. The cat still lives there. During a recent Q&A, Cameron alluded to rumors that he doesn’t like Larry. He jokingly showed a photo of himself and Larry.Image image

Cameron’s legacy

Cameron will go down in history as the Brexit Prime Minister. His problem with calling the referendum was his lack of ability to govern, writes Volkskrant correspondent Patrick van Ijzendoorn. He had made many enemies in Brussels in previous years, especially through his veto of the treaty change at the end of 2011; In his own country he underestimated the rebellious spirit of the British people.

He is now a schlemiel, compared to Prime Minister Anthony Eden, the man of the Suez crisis. But if Brexit proves to be the right decision in ten years’ time, he can count on being rehabilitated as the prime minister who coincidentally brought about a glorious revolution.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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