Dennis Wenning accidentally betrayed De Mol to the candidate

The nostalgic surprise was in the fifth episode of 24 WidmSeason: Dennis Wenning, who was also the Mole in Mexico in 2008, lent a helping hand to the Mole in this series. But it was close to ruining the game for Anna. After the ending showed Anna giving Dennis instructions about the key over the phone and telling him how much time was left, it turned out that Dennis didn't just talk to Anna during that mission…

Babs also got Dennis on the phone. “Hi Anna, it's Denise,” he said, not knowing that it wasn't Anna on the other end of the line at that moment. “From what?” Babs said. “Who is this?” Dennis asked. “Babs,” came the reply, and Dennis quickly hung up. “Oopsy.”

Fortunately for Dennis and Anna, Babs didn't understand anything Dennis said – and didn't even realize it was Dennis. “I heard a man’s voice and I thought: ‘Huh?’ I didn’t hear: ‘Is that Anna?’”

It went off without a hitch, but Dennis' mistake caused a major shockwave behind the scenes. Broadcaster Rick van de Westelaken looked back and said, “My heart stopped for a moment.”

The fact that Anna is de Mol came as a big surprise to all the candidates on Saturday night. Toski Rajas said before the reveal that she would still want to “go to group therapy” if the main suspect, Vons, was not de Mol.

RTL Boulevard spoke to Kees van der Spek, the great “Wish Champ”:

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Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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