The more diverse nature is, the better for your mental health

“The richer the biodiversity, the longer the beneficial effect for people lasts,” the study published in the journal Nature concluded.

Walking or exercising in an environment with many different plants, trees and views is good for the mind up to eight hours longer than a trip to less diverse nature. This is evident from research in the authoritative journal Nature.

In this study, 2,000 participants took a regular trip to the forest, mountains or other natural environment between 2018 and 2023. After that, they answered some questions about their experiences in nature via their smartphones.

From more than forty thousand answers, the London scientists were able to conclude that being in environments with a lot of diversity in natural life, such as birds, trees, water and flowers, leads to greater mental health than an environment with less nature. diversity.

The mental benefit of a trip into rich and diverse nature can last up to eight hours longer.

Living in cities

“The richer the biodiversity, the longer the beneficial effect for people will last,” is the conclusion research in nature.

Scientists from King's College London describe it as an important finding for policymakers to take into account, because models have shown that by 2050, nearly three-quarters of the world's population will live in densely populated cities. Nowadays, nature in cities is often one-sided, and they believe this should change.

“Although living in a city can benefit people's well-being because they have better access to social networks, hospitals and more job opportunities, people in cities also face an increased risk of mental illness,” they say.

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Psychological health

also Previous search We have already linked this increased risk to the lack of green spaces. Researchers are now adding new empirical evidence that more nature, especially more biodiverse nature, can actually boost people's mental health.

“Our results show that protecting and enhancing natural diversity pays dividends to maximize visitors’ mental health,” said lead author Rayan Hammoud. “In practical terms, this means that we should move away from one-sided cultures such as gardens with large fields of mowed grass, which are typically associated with low biodiversity, and focus more on green spaces that reflect natural ecosystems.”

“By showing how natural diversity enhances our mental health, we provide a compelling foundation for creating greener, healthier urban spaces.”

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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