Movie: The Old Oak – now in your home. Picl, movies online

Ken Loach has been making award-winning, heart-warming social films for over fifty years. A brilliant classic bageven the most recent I'm Danielle Blake And Sorry we missed you. But with his 87 springs TheOldOak His swan song. This film invites you to open your heart and ask for more mercy.

“The last film is very emotional and sensitive.”

★★★★ Norwegian Refugee Council

As we've come to expect from Loach, this film is also a powerful social drama set around the working class in northern England. This area has historically been neglected by London policy makers, and this continues to be reflected in high levels of unemployment and poverty. 'The Old Oak' is the name of the last pub in an old mining town in danger of closing, despite its important social function for disaffected villagers. The arrival of Syrian refugees increases tension in the city. Thanks to the blossoming friendship between bar owner TJ and photographer Suri, the realization grows that they can only find a solution together.

to TheOldOak Loach teamed up again with regular screenwriter Paul Lafferty and had the opportunity to win the Palme d'Or at Cannes (which Loach had won twice before).

“A worthy farewell for a brilliant historian with his heart in the right place.” ★★★★ Trouw

“Classic Loach with room for hope” ★★★★ from Volkskrant

“The art of storytelling and attention to detail” ★★★ VPRO Cinema

“A powerful call for compassion and solidarity” ★★★★ The Guardian

“A swan song of great quality” ★★★★ Cinema magazine

“The beautiful swan song of his impressive work” ★★★★★ In the cinema

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Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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