A documentary in the context of mental health in a cocoa factory

The Dementia Friendly Municipality of Helmond presents the documentary “Liefsteling” as part of the Mental Health Weeks. He can be seen on Tuesday, June 4, at the cocoa factory in Helmond.

The goal of Helmond Dementia Friendly Municipality is to raise awareness among Helmond residents about dementia. “Because sooner or later, we will all have to deal with this topic, directly or indirectly,” the partnership says. The Dementia Friendly Municipality of Helmond also wants to show the impact of dementia on the person with dementia and their environment. Furthermore, the dementia-friendly municipality of Helmond hopes to break the taboo surrounding dementia. It does this by offering activities, and this documentary is one of them.

Dementia Friendly Municipality Helmond is a partnership between different organizations in Helmond. These include Helmond Municipality, Jibb+, De Zorgboog, Savant Zorg, Samen Verder, Helmond Peel Library, CultureContact, Alzheimer’s Café Helmond, Dementia Network De Peel and LEVgroep.

In the documentary we follow lovers Hetty (76 years old) and Jeanne (91 years old). They are both determined to “have fun to the bone.” But Jane’s dementia gets worse, putting a strain on their happiness. The documentary is “an intimate portrait of true love, based on honesty, tenderness and the desire for pure joy,” according to the filmmakers.
“Liefsteeling” can be viewed on Tuesday, June 4 at Helmond Cacao Factory, from 8:00pm to 10:00pm. Tickets for €5 are available online and at the Cacaofabriek counter. You can order online through the website www.cacaofabriek.nl.

Case managers and collections
On the same evening, dementia case managers will be present at the cocoa factory. You can talk to them after watching the documentary. There are also collection boxes from which you can make a voluntary contribution to the dementia-friendly municipality of Helmond. So you can organize more activities in the future.

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[Foto: Dementievriendelijke Gemeente Helmond]

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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