Matcha appears to have a benefit for your health

The hype is real: Matcha, the toxic green tea from Japan, is in short supply. This is partly due to the purported health effects, although little has been proven. Until now. According to a new study, bitter tea helps fight gum disease.

At least one in ten Dutch people suffer from the annoying gum disease, where bacteria cause inflammation of the gums and jaw bones. Ultimately, this causes the gums to relax. If left untreated it can lead to tooth loss. But the disease has greater consequences. It is also associated with diabetes, premature birth, cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis and some types of cancer.

Matcha as medicine
However, a solution appears to come from an unexpected source. According to research, rinsing with matcha destroys the bacteria causing gum disease, but leaves other oral bacteria alone. New Japanese research.

Matcha is used in traditional ceremonies in Japan and is used to flavor drinks and desserts. It is made from the raw leaves of C. sinensis. Finely ground green tea powder has been on the rise in the Netherlands and other Western countries in recent years.

Enthusiasts take advantage: Laboratory experiments show that matcha slows the growth of gingivitis bacteria. Those who already had the condition and started using matcha mouthwash had significantly fewer bacteria in their saliva at the end of the study. “Matcha has great potential as an application for the prevention and treatment of periodontal disease,” the scientists wrote in their study.

Good for health
It’s all about Camellia sinensis, a green tea plant that has long been studied for its potential effect against bacteria, fungi, and viruses. A previous study in mice found that green tea extract inhibited the growth of pathogens, including E. coli. Other research has shown that the extract is able to reduce the growth of P. gingivalis – the gum disease bacteria. Additionally, observational studies have linked green tea consumption to better overall health.

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Bactericidal properties
The Japanese tested the effect of matcha in Petri dishes using sixteen different species of oral bacteria, including three strains of P. gingivalis. The benign bacteria seemed to have nothing to fear from the matcha mouthwash, but almost all of the cultured P. gingivalis cells died within two hours, and after four hours all the bad cells had been destroyed.

PCR test
Next, the researchers recruited 45 people with chronic gum disease and divided them into three groups: the first group was given a barley tea mouthwash, the second group was given a mouthwash containing matcha extract, and the third group was given a mouthwash containing sodium azulene. Sulfonate hydrate, which is used to treat infections. Participants were instructed to rinse twice daily. Saliva samples were collected before and after the intervention and analyzed by PCR testing.

Part of the treatment plan
The analysis showed that patients in the matcha group had significantly fewer P. gingivalis bacteria in their saliva. In the other two groups, there was no decrease in gingivitis bacteria. Japanese researchers explain that they are not the first to investigate the antimicrobial effects of certain teas on P. gingivalis, but the new study provides additional evidence of matcha’s potential medicinal aspects. They see regular rinsing with matcha mouthwash as a possible part of the treatment plan for people with gum disease.

Everything you want to know about gum disease
Gum disease is advanced gum disease in which not only the gums but also the jawbone become inflamed. Plaque on the teeth causes inflammation of the gum line. This gum disease is called gingivitis. This inflammation can spread from the gum line to the jawbone underneath. Then it becomes gum disease.

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Under the radar
Gum disease can go unnoticed for a long time because it does not cause symptoms until a very late stage. Characteristics include red, weak and swollen gums, bleeding gums when brushing or eating, receding gums, sensitive teeth when brushing or with hot or cold foods and drinks, and a bad taste in the mouth or halitosis.

How does it arise?
Inflammation of the gum line (gingivitis) is caused by bacteria found in plaque. If it is not removed, for example by brushing and sticking between the teeth, the plaque calcifies and turns into tartar. Then a new layer of plaque forms, and so on.

Pockets full of bacteria
Gingivitis can spread deep into the jawbone surrounding the teeth and molars. This causes the gums to relax. The plate forms again in the space (pocket) created. In this way, the inflammation moves towards the jawbone, which slowly decomposes. This advanced inflammation with breakdown of fibers and bone is called gingivitis.

Prevent gingivitis and worse
If your gums bleed, they are inflamed. Do not ignore this sign, but take the necessary measures to restore your gums to their health again. The most important thing is to brush and floss properly.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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