Five lessons from your health

“Society” and “society,” we heard over and over again in episodes of Cheers. For example, Victor Gerdes (internist in vascular medicine at the Medical University of Amsterdam) described that the environment we live in makes it increasingly difficult to be healthy.

“At the moment, half the Dutch population is overweight, and of course you have an influence on that yourself, but it also depends very much on the environment. Where do you live, where did you grow up, what is your genetic makeup? There are many factors that contribute to how healthy you are.” ”

In the average supermarket Eighty percent of the products are unhealthy. If you want to eat healthy, you must have knowledge about food and be able to afford it. In the episode of Nutritional Myths, Professor Jaap Seidel Research by Question Organization Which shows that supermarkets continue to tempt people into making unhealthy choices.

“If we look at teenagers aged 12 to 16, they spend an average of €2.30 a day in the supermarket. If you want to buy lunch for that amount, and you still want to fill up. Then you have a pint of energy drink, a can From pink biscuits and a fricandale sandwich, you can buy all of that there, but you can also buy something healthy. We went to the supermarket, but you couldn’t find anything that satiated you enough and was healthy, but it was 4.95 euros,” she said. .

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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