Not sure about switching health insurance? The expert gives advice

The end of the year is slowly approaching and it’s time to take a hard look at your health insurance. In many cases, it’s worth the switch. However, 6 out of 10 Dutch people do not plan to look for another health insurance company this year. People ages 55 and older in particular aren’t making the switch.

People who stay with the same health insurance company year after year without looking around often get coverage that doesn’t quite fit them, and for which they also pay very high premiums. 30% are still not sure whether they will convert, and 7% will do so anyway. Saving money is the most important motivation for people who are going to switch anyway, according to research by

Switch health insurance? “Make a comparison”

Seniors in particular will not switch health insurance companies this year. According to Jeremy Brockman, a health insurance expert at, this is partly because they are “afraid that another health insurance company will not accept them because they already have medical complaints.” But you don’t have to worry about that: health insurance companies are obligated to accept basic insurance. “Many people over the age of 55 have additional coverage, but unfortunately there is no acceptance obligation for that. If your new insurer says no, the additional coverage will continue with your old insurance company,” Brockman emphasizes. “You will always be well insured.” “.

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People who switch are mainly looking for better conditions and coverage that suit them better. For 10% of converts, better service is the most important reason.

Still in doubt? Broekman then gives you some advice: “Of course you don’t have to switch if your insurance still works for you. It’s good to know that health insurance companies adjust coverage and premiums every year. This may mean that the health insurance you took out this year no longer For you next year, for example, the coverage no longer meets your health care needs or you are paying too much of a premium for care that you are not using. I recommend everyone determine your needs every year and do the comparison that way you can be sure that you will still be in good shape Next year of care.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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