Does your smartphone distract you? Use the free Focus Plant app

Focus Plant is a useful app that can help you not get distracted at work or relax without getting distracted from your smartphone. This free app mutes notifications and uses a system that prompts you to leave your phone behind.

Focus Factory

All day long, we are burdened with notifications on our phones. From emails to social media messages. It becomes very difficult to focus from home, and even when you want to relax in the evening after a hard day at work, notifications can be annoying. Focus Plant rewards you for taking a break from your phone.

In advance, you can set how long you want to go, then the timer will start working. During that time, a cloud appears with raindrops falling and after focus time you can use the drops to grow virtual plants.

200 species of plants

The app contains up to 200 plant species that you can open and grow in your personal garden. The intention is for you to breathe new life into the overgrown and polluted garden. In the focus plan, there are also specific challenges that you can complete in terms of the time you spend without your phone. Completing this will allow you to make your garden grow faster or open new plants. You can also view helpful stats afterwards which show how you actually removed yourself from your phone in the last week.

Of course, there are actually many apps that help you meditate or encourage you to focus on your work. Focus Plant works with Google Fit’s meditation feature as well as a variety of other apps to turn your focus time into raindrops. In the list of supported apps, we get acquainted with, among other things, the known apps vacuum in a Jungle.

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Finally, we can already see in the Google Play Store the new functions of the Plant Timer in development. You will soon be able to use the app with friends and also track their progress. You will also be able to collect raindrops together or steal them yourself.

Focus Factory - Keep Focus, Study Timer, Apply Focus

Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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