‘UK is the best in the world in combating cyber security’

The UK is one of the best countries in the world in the fight against cybercrime. The United States is completely behind in this regard, partly due to legal hurdles. Says VVD MEP Part Crude at PNRD World. “The executive branch is not allowed to interfere in the legislative branch in the United States. Now the UK is ‘second to none’. ‘

Conservative British politician George Osborne once said in a speech that the EU was working with organizations that do something with the Internet. And there are companies like this that are less efficient, says Crutus. That is why the British are amassing everything in the National Cyber ​​Security Center. ‘From the unclassified first secret, the NCSC organizes this centrally, which is a good model.’

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The British have a long tradition in the defense sector, including cybercrime. ‘They want to portray themselves as the best spy device in the world. Thought leadership is part of this and they see it as their mission. Now that the British are gone we have to stand on our own two feet in the EU. It’s going to be a big boost for Europe, and in the law I’m writing here. Every country spies, the question is how do you use hacking. ‘

Very aggressive

Crutz argues that the problems begin with the crossing of the international legal boundaries of political influence and sabotage. ‘Israel and Iran are already attacking each other’s water systems and trying to take a new step with sabotage. That’s really a trend. ‘To be somewhat armed against cybercrime, we need to stare at the hackers who do it. ‘We have to be very aggressive on that.’

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Since 2010, Brussels has been interested in doing cybersecurity security. Realization has finally penetrated through the new law and it should no longer be someone’s job IT-nerd On the back of the system. ‘You will now be responsible for yourself and you will be fined if you don’t do it right. We will also set cyber security requirements for networks. There should be a legal basis for the sharing of information between companies and governments. ‘

Ferdinand Woolridge

 "Subtly charming analyst. Beer maven. Future teen idol. Twitter guru. Lifelong bacon fan. Pop culture lover. Passionate social media evangelist."

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