New research shows: Morning people are happier than night owls | Health

Several studies have already shown that night owls have a higher chance of developing depression or depressive symptoms than morning people. For example, researchers at Harvard University last month saw that for every hour that people go to bed late on average, the chance of developing depressive symptoms increases by 23 percent.

A similar conclusion can be drawn from a major new study from the University of Exeter. Scientists analyzed the health data of more than 450,000 middle-aged Britons. According to their main findings, those who get up early are less likely to have anxiety and depression.

This study is the greatest evidence yet that morning people are better protected from depression and have a better sense of well-being, Jessica O’Loughlin, who led the study, said in the journal Molecular Psychiatry.

A questionnaire

Respondents aged 40 to 60 completed an extended questionnaire in which they could also indicate whether they saw themselves as an early bird or a night owl. They were also asked about their mental health. The sleep patterns of about 50,000 people were also studied.

From all the data that was compared, the researchers concluded that morning people had a 21 percent lower chance of developing depression. Early birds are also 5 percent more likely to have a higher level of well-being than evening people.

Along the same lines

One possible explanation is the fact that early birds see more daylight and live in a community that is also oriented to morning people. For many evening and night owls, it is mentally difficult to adjust their rhythm to the day and night rhythm of morning people.

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Whether you are in the morning or evening is genetically determined. About twenty to thirty percent of people are evening people. They go to sleep after midnight and prefer to wake up around nine, ten, eleven.

It consists of twenty to thirty per cent of the population of Sabah. They (like) get up around six and are most productive in the morning. Almost half of the people are in the middle.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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