Angel Malik from Bovenkarspel talks about mental health

Angel Malik is a junior artist from Bovenkarspel who sings and sings about mental health. It is unique in West Friesland, where it is generally not talked about much. He wants to break this taboo because he thinks it’s okay to talk about your problems and emotions.

He himself has experience with depression and PTSD. With his music, he hopes to support and motivate others. “Often influencers and celebrities just show what is going well, but – especially in West Friesland – there is little talk about emotions,” he says.

close your eyes

In his songs, Angel regularly uses the metaphor of “close your eyes” or “close your eyes”. And what does this mean? “A lot of people watch what other people say but don’t listen,” Angel explains. He adds that the research also ensures that we judge each other sooner. “I think it’s important that we start listening to each other better, and that people feel like they’re being heard.” He puts this into action in a special way: via TikTok, he receives requests from followers to translate their story into rap.

Watch the interview with Angel Malik below.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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