Carlos, Tim, Jilly and Matisse are the ambassadors of science and technology.

In accordance with the annual tradition, the Rotary Service Club Deinze has honoured several hard-working students from Deinze as ambassadors for science and technology. Four students from Leiepoort, Erasmusatheneum and VTI Deinze received their titles on Wednesday at the Leiespiegel Service Centre.

The Rotary Club Deinze Award was created by former Rotary President Dirk Reis. With this award, the club wants to honor professionals who want to develop their future as socially motivated people who respect everyone and can empathize with the needs of society.

The award is given to graduating technicians who meet the values ​​defined by the Rotary Club: dedication, perseverance, sustainability and social commitment.

This year’s winners are Carlos Garcia Vera from the Leiport Campus in Sint Theresia (Technical Sciences Department), Tim de Vries from the Leiport Campus in Sint Vincentius (IT & Networks Department), Jelle de Vries from Erasmusathinium Deinze (IT & Engineering Department) and Matthijs de. Dick from VTI Deinze (Construction & Timber Engineering Department). They received their certificate at the Lespiegel Service Centre in the presence of a delegation from the Rotary Club, the school management, education advisor Nathalie Lambrecht and mayor Jan Vermeulen.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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