Exercising outside is the simple key to health and happiness

So, we were inside for a few months again. Maybe we’ve eaten more than is good for us and have exceeded the threshold for healthy screen use. Now that spring is just around the corner, we no longer have any excuses: it’s time to get out and about. So put on your favorite sneakers, take the bike out of the shed and go to the woods or the beach.

Choose health

It will come as no surprise to anyone that nature and the outdoors are healthy for you. After a brisk walk, you’ll feel rejuvenated, more relaxed, and as a bonus you’ll have gained some good ideas. Why do we still flock to the expensive gym? Or do we follow the latest food trends to feel better? Sometimes the most obvious solutions are the best.

We are part of nature

Nature helps in treating psychological problems, physical diseases and ailments. And this is not only about the fresh air and tranquility that nature radiates. It’s in our DNA, in our roots: “We are all part of nature. Every time this connection with nature is confirmed or strengthened, we feel good about it. It calms people down, shows less aggression and we also become more social,” says van den Berg. .

3 The most important reasons why exercising outdoors is healthy

1. You become a happier person (seriously!)

  • People who exercise outside are happier afterward than people who go to the gym.
  • Psychological problems such as depression and anxiety are alleviated.
  • Stress and tension decrease due to lower cortisol levels.
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2. It makes you smarter

  • It improves your concentration and short-term memory.
  • Because of the lack of distraction, short-term memory works better.
  • You become more creative, smarter and can regain your mental energy.

3. Your body becomes stronger and healthier

  • You produce more vitamin D.
  • Outdoor athletes have greater endurance. They are less likely to drop out than gym visitors.
  • Gives you a boost of energy: Fresh air and nature make you more active.
  • It boosts your immune system.

Want to get out and set a goal?

Set up a training program and go for it! So our advice: do not rush to lift weights, but take an extra walk through the forest with the dog. Or challenge a friend to try this beautiful running route through the sand dunes together. Not only is this super healthy, it’s really cute too!

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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