Ground beetle numbers are an indicator of Mantingerbos health


From 1959 to 1967, ground beetles were hunted in Mantingerbos and Vermeulen repeated this research in 2019. A comparison of this data shows that a lot has happened in the forest. “Initially, we noticed that moisture-loving species, especially certain types of forests that like humid environments a lot, have disappeared. This seems to run parallel to what I’ve seen with plants, and moisture-loving plants have also partially disappeared,” said an expert.


The landlord is concerned because the beetles are an indicator of the state of the area. “It’s great that the research has been done here since 1959,” says Jos Bisschops, Regional Director at Natuurmonumenten. “But the trend that is emerging is that while the number of beetles has not changed, the species composition has changed. You can see that there are negative environmental impacts, especially for critical species that depend on this area.”


According to Bishops, two things need to be done. “If you look closely at this area, including Mantingerbos, you can see that it’s in a kind of bowl and then again on a hill. It’s pretty dried up, so something needs to be done about water management, to restore order. The second point is the area.” I think we need to increase this area. If the system is healthy, critical species can expand further. They have a limited range, so restoring the system is the most important thing.”

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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