Hate Christmas? This way you get during the holidays easier | the health

1. Take a moment for yourself

If you don’t like Christmas, December is a tough month. Almost everywhere, holidays have dominated everything since the beginning of December; Mariah Carey can be heard on the radio non-stop and the streets have turned into a big Christmas spectacle. And then it hasn’t started yet…

Many spend the Christmas season with family, but that doesn’t mean they have to be on each other’s lips for two days, 24/7. Take some time for yourself in between. For example, go for a walk, exercise, or call a friend to hear a different sound. Take a few moments to recharge yourself a little.

2. With a grain of salt

It’s probably easier said than done, but try not to take the holidays too hard. They are and will always be moments that should be, above all, fun. Shift the focus from all that needs to be done to what can be done, and from what is not there to what is.

For example, Christmas is a great time to think about the things you are grateful for.

3. Simplicity is the magic word

If you fear holidays like the mountain, you shouldn’t make it too difficult in all respects. Take dinner for example; Christmas fancy dining is part of it, but if the idea alone is causing you stress, don’t try. Not a rooster crowing that the same thing has appeared on the board for five years in a row.

Once you’re at the table, keep the conversation neutral. Christmas is not the ideal time to start discussions about political preferences or to allow your opinion on some global issue. A little discussion doesn’t hurt, but with alcohol, the filters go away. Light themes will keep you going during the Christmas season.

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4. There are no expectations

If you are not a fan of Christmas, having no expectations is a safe option.

Christmas is different every year, so it’s best to enter into it with an open mind. Don’t make expectations based on previous years or how you consider vacations.

Expectations are very important to your mood. If you’re anticipating a huge scene beforehand, chances are you’ll come home from a cold gallery. And if last year was a little disappointing, and if you’re expecting the same this year, you’re not really happy up front. So neutral is best, then it can be very easy!

5. Go with the flow

Letting things go and letting them get to you may work better. Will you play your role as host this year? Then control your hands and orient them in a way that you feel comfortable with.

And when you’re relieved of all the fuss, hop here and there, stir it in a pan and add the wine, but most of all enjoy that you don’t have to do anything for a while. The lower the resistance, the less it feels like an obligatory number.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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