INBO with Flemish scientific institutions on Science Day | Nature Institute

INBO with Flemish scientific institutions on Science Day

INBO will participate in this event together with the other five Flemish scientific institutions (VWIs). Science Day on November 24, 2024. At the brand-new Green Ark of the Meise Botanical Garden, VWIs has put its weight behind the theme of “Uncovering Nature’s Most Incredible Secrets”.

Topics discussed: Drought stress in agricultural crops (ILVO), climate resilience in coffee and bananas (Botanical Garden of Meise), Invasive alien animals and camera traps (INBO), fish ladders (Hydraulic laboratory), dating of wood (immovable heritage). .

Welcome to visit INBO booth:

  • The Meise Botanical Garden has several INBO camera traps. They take pictures of all the animals that pass by, whether during the day or night. Curious about what’s going on at the Botanical Garden? Would you like to learn how to analyze our recording images? Then come listen to Lynn and Jan, our animal experts. They will be happy to tell you all about the camera traps, photo analysis and the types of animals captured.
  • Or come to see some invasive alien species. Wietse and Petra tell you all about flatworms, clawed frogs, crayfish and many other strange and invasive creatures that don’t actually belong to Flanders. Why would we rather lose them than be rich? Is their presence really a problem? We are happy to explain it to you.

Petra Wijnke, Koen van Muelm

See also  Mystery solved: the fish "wave" to scare the birds

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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