Joint Strategic Framework – Higher Education and Science for Sustainable Development

Higher education and science for sustainable development

In cooperation with VLIR-UOS and ARES, ITM developed a new thematic joint strategic framework for the period 2022-2026. By bringing together academic actors under a single thematic framework, the objectives of the Belgian Royal Decree and the 2016 Act, namely coordination and consultation, synergy and integration, and collective learning, can be achieved in a strategic and more efficient way.

The organization of HES4SD in the context of this topic ensures GSK a more visible position within the Belgian and international development sector and a better understanding of the nature, objectives and operating methods of the development cooperation sector. Building on their long common history, the three GSK players want to further exploit the enormous development potential of higher education and scientific cooperation for sustainable development and make it accessible to other Belgian, local and international partners.

  • Through research, higher education and science institutions (HE&WI) play a unique role as drivers of change: they produce new knowledge and innovations to address global challenges, transfer knowledge through training and education, provide evidence to inform (government) policies and their implementation, and mobilize knowledge.

  • HE&WI, academics and individual researchers play a crucial role in addressing global, regional and local challenges through their participation in international thematic networks that bring together diverse expertise. Through HES4SD-GSK, opportunities arise through the activation of knowledge platforms and multi-stakeholder partnerships to work together towards sustainable development.

The expertise made possible by ARES and VLIR-UOS covers all specialties, while ITM has an in-depth focus on tropical medicine, public health and global health, as well as access to and expertise in healthcare in vulnerable settings.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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