Judi Dench makes a move at The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

Best exotic plush hotel It tells the story of a group of British pensioners. They leave for India. If the accommodation does not meet expectations, there is only one thing left to do: make the most of it.

Life over 65 has yet to offer seven British pensioners what they expected. The solution seems to be a great advertisement for a luxury hotel in India. They no longer hesitate and leave for cheap and exotic India.

Judi Dench

It is consistent with the film’s expectations that the image from the advertisement is not entirely correct. Arrived in Best exotic plush hotel The promised luxury is difficult to find.

Where the young owner Sonny (Dev Patel, known as… the homeless milionaire) He sees a luxurious resort, and the old people see a dusty ruin. But if there are any, they may make the best of it.

And that’s what they do. Evelyn (Judi Dench), Douglas (Bill Nighy), and Muriel (Maggie Smith) immerse themselves in life in colorful India. Sometimes even for the first time.

Best exotic plush hotel

Director John Madden recorded in 1998 with Shakespeare in love It has already been a major cinematic success. to Best exotic plush hotel Repeat it again.

The film was also a huge success in Dutch cinemas: more than eighty thousand people bought tickets. The film grossed approximately $140 million worldwide.

It’s enough to tempt the filmmakers to make a sequel. Second best hotel is Marigold Published in 2015.

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Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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