Many casualties due to Storm Kieran: died from a falling tree in Ghent, and were injured in Djurn and Leuven

Fire services in Flanders and Brussels have already received more than 1,000 phone calls reporting damage from the storms. These were mainly reports of fallen trees, broken branches and loose roof tiles. So far, most calls have come from West and East Flanders.

in East Flanders Various fire districts reported hundreds of calls. This mainly relates to predictable and controllable storm damage. In addition to branches, construction fence fabrics, boards and trampolines, among other things, also began to fly. In the eastern fire zone, this relates to loose objects found at heights and fallen trees. Similar calls were received in the Mittjisland fire area. The fire district in the Centrum district (the spacious area around Ghent) reported just over 100 calls at noon, although this did not involve serious damage.

In the south West Flanders The first calls came in around 6am. By 9 a.m., the counter in the Fluvia area had reached 64 calls. These mainly relate to fallen trees, branches on public roads, fallen roof tiles and loose gutters. There are now about 13 teams on the road, from nearly every firehouse. They have already been able to handle 24 calls. In the Westhoek fire area, the counter had already reached 70 interventions at noon. Most of them have to do with trees on the road and road signs that are coming apart. The fire district calls on everyone to stay home.”

Fire area too Antwerp Busy with storm damage reports. This afternoon, we have passed 100 calls, and there are still calls on hold. The fire brigade invites non-urgent reports to be submitted via the electronic form. This mainly concerns trees on the road, and sometimes on cars or the house. In Leer, the storm tore off the roof of a commercial building on Mechelsesteenweg. According to the fire brigade, city services are helping place sandbags to prevent loose materials from flying, and to cut down fallen trees.

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Also in Kempin The storm shook. The emergency area in Taxandria has already carried out about 25 interventions in the afternoon, especially for fallen trees.

the Brussels The fire brigade had already received about two hundred calls at noon, mainly about fallen trees and branches. The fire brigade called in additional personnel and was reinforced with volunteers from the Red Cross. “57 of them have already been completed, 133 are still on the waiting list, and at almost any given time there are dozens of interventions underway.” Fire brigade spokesman Walter Dirio.

in Limburg Fire crews have already received about 180 reports of storm damage, mainly due to fallen trees or loose branches. Firefighters mainly have to cut down trees or remove branches that have ended up on public roads. Another task is to secure items that have exploded, such as roof panels or scaffolding. In northern Limburg, a tree that exploded in a house caused damage.

To fire zones Flemish Brabant West received dozens of calls related to Storm Ciaran. This mainly concerns fallen trees or fallen branches. There are currently no reports of injuries.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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