Niantic will never back down from updating the Pokémon GO avatar, but it’s trying to get closer

Even though we got some great graphical updates in the spring, everyone is still talking about the Pokémon GO avatar update. It turned out to be a total flop and no one is happy with what we have now. However, those who were hoping that we would one day get a function to restore old avatars will be disappointed. Michael Steranka recently said in an interview that this will never happen.

However, he also said that new features are coming and that the Pokémon GO avatar update is not the final product. In fact, it will never be fully finished, because this feature, like Pokémon GO, will always be in development:

“We’ve adjusted some of the body type options that players have. We’ve adjusted some of the skin tones based on feedback we’ve gotten from the player base. It’s probably something that we’ll be updating and adding things to forever. I saw some stuff the other day and I’m personally really excited about it and I’ll be updating my personal avatar as soon as it’s available. So yeah, just like everything else in Pokemon Go, we see it as a forever game with forever features, and we don’t want any of our features to ever feel outdated. We want to constantly improve and update things as we go.”

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Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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