The relationship between gut bacteria and resilience (against stress) has not yet been proven · Health & Science

Where does this news come from?

Search is correct Importance of Limburg It is written about, conducted at the University of California (1). Researchers examined whether you can do this based on factors such as the bacteria in your gut. Expect someone who has high flexibility..

High flexibility means you Handles stress and setbacks well. And you recover quickly. This works less if you have low flexibility.

Over 100 people, who did not have mental health problems, were studied. They were divided into two groups: people with high resilience and people with low resilience. This was done using the Connor Davidson Resilience Scale. This is a widely used scale that measures a person’s ability to tolerate stress. From both groups brain scan I took and became Bowel movements Investigation.

Researchers have found that people with high resilience:

  • You had fewer gut bacteria associated with IBD.
  • They were less anxious or depressed.
  • Their brains worked differently than the brains of people with low resilience.

This research indicates that a healthy gut microbiome (The community of microorganisms in our gut, such as bacteria) are important for resilience against stress. In the future, healthy gut bacteria could serve as a treatment in mental health care.


(1) LLA. Study: “The healthy bacteria in our gut influence mental health”. Limburg Importance. June 27, 2024.

How should you interpret this news?

There is no evidence that bacteria increase elasticity.

The conclusion that healthy gut bacteria help people be more resilient and therefore reduce stress is not true. We only see a relationship (association or connection) between people with higher resilience and gut bacteria that would cause less gut inflammation. We do not know why this link exists.. So we cannot conclude that these gut bacteria help increase resilience. This is still far from proven.

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It has been proven that we have The gut and the brain affect each other. Both are possible. stress response (2). Research has been done on this for years, focusing on the bacteria in our gut.

It’s a great search too. complicatedComplex models are often used to understand how gut bacteria affect all processes in the body. However, there is still a lot we don’t know about this topic yet (3).

Much research is still needed.

In the future, much more research is needed to understand exactly how the gut-brain connection works and how gut bacteria can affect stress (2). Only when we fully understand this complex communication can scientists Treatments It’s starting to evolve to reduce stress and improve mental health that targets our gut and brain. We’re not there yet.

Important research

This US study is part of a larger, newer study examining how gut health and mental health affect each other.

This research is certainly relevant, because Stress is harmful to our health.For example, it increases the risk of heart disease and costs society a lot of money. So it is essential to find ways to increase our ability to adapt to stress (2).

Business interests

Please note: Research into a link between gut bacteria and mental health also has commercial reasons. It would be very interesting for the food and pharmaceutical industries if a yogurt drink enriched with “healthy” bacteria or probiotics could make you less depressed or anxious (2).


There is no evidence that healthy gut bacteria are directly responsible for increased resilience and improved mental health. It is still unclear whether the microbiome in our gut has an effect on stress or can cause mental disorders, and how this might happen.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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